The 2018 Season is Here!

With good weather finally rolling in, the 2018 asphalt season is kicking off! Throughout the months of March and April we heard from a lot of past and prospective customers who have been seeing great things on the horizon for the 2018 season. More town and state roads...
Reclaimer Business is Booming!

Reclaimer Business is Booming!

The Ray-Tech line of truck mounted reclaimers have been generating a lot of attention to start the year! Truck mounted reclaimers have been the most popular choice so far in 2018. We started the year off with an order for a 12 ton (RC12-T) and since then we’ve...
NPE 2018 Was A Success!

NPE 2018 Was A Success!

NPE 2018 proved to be another great show for Ray-Tech! With the 2018 National Pavement Expo ending just two weeks ago, we are still working to catch up on the pile of leads and calls it generated for our equipment. This year we featured a 6 Ton TMV (Total Maintenance...